my memories are part of yours.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Thinking of you, whereaver you are
We pray for our sorrows to end,
and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now, I will stop forward to realize this wish.
And who knows:
starting a new journey may not be so hard
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky --
one sky, one destiny.
Friday, September 01, 2006
hola soy kari me gusta el anime desde ase 2o 3 años años mas o menos asi q no he visto muchos animes ñ_ñ , me gustan los juegos de video en especial KH y asi cosas de aventura y peleas como el RO(@_@), hase mucho tiempo ya q no veia este blog asi q la configuracion esta un poco vieja y no me se otra disculpen n_nu